Know the performance of your aircraft. It is even hotter on the runway than the ambient temperatures, which can be a difference of as much as 10 degrees in the afternoon.
The pilot’s performance also deteriorates, so be sure to drink sufficient amounts of fluid (water is best because it doesn’t strain your body) and eat something light before your flight. Flying with a full or empty stomach will make you more susceptible to discomfort while in flight.
Give the engine time to warm up (28 outside is not enough for engine check; the POH of most aircraft is around 75-80 minimum). I completely understand that once the door closes, the temperature in the cockpit starts to rise, we start getting hot, but as soon as we’re up in the air, we have the vents to cool down, but the engine can’t warm up instantly.
Perhaps a window can be opened? However, it must be closed during take-off. You may be able to open it once you’re in the air; check your POH. If there is a storm window, you can put your hand outside for fresh air and then let it flow in by aiming your hand. Just try it.
Open the vents.
Overheating of electronic devices: do not leave these in the sun. Do not charge these while in flight unless the battery absolutely needs it. Also take your preparations with you on paper, just in case your PED breaks down…
Wear your sunglasses and maybe even a cap if the aircraft does not have built-in sun protection
Give the engine time to release its temperature into the oil after landing. So idly taxi on the runway for a bit, or idle in place if the runway’s too short.
Find some shade in which to do your paperwork.